Monday 5 October 2015


Do you ever heard about the Festival Of Colours Tour? Of course not, right? Here is an article about the history of the festival. Festival of colours tour is a concert like event with music and coloured powder. It takes place on 4 different continents. The event usually takes place on a Saturday from 12 noon to 10 pm. The Festival of Colours is inspired by the traditional Hindu, the festival Holi, which usually takes place in March an marks, the coming of spring. On the festival day, people throw powdered paint, knows as gulal at on another. For one day distinctions between castes, religions and gender are set aside and everyone is equal. The festival is primarily observed in India and Nepal, but also in many other countries with a large Hindu population. Holi celebration's start on the night before Holi with a Holika bonfire where people gather, sing and dance. 

Why this festival popular ? Do you know ? Here, this is the statement why this festival popular.. Holi is spiring festival, also known as the festival of colours or the festival of love. It is an acient Hindu religions festival which has become popular with non- Hindus in many parts of South Asia, as well as people of other communities outside Asia. 

Based on my opinion, this festival of colours is the best festival in the world. Because it did not use the sticky things, like eggs. It only uses a colourful powder.This festival is fun. Some of us celebrate a birthday with flour and eggs, right ? When I knew about this festival, then this will be an idea for me to use colour powders to celebrate a birthday. 

Sunday 4 October 2015


How does the ancient town of Ivrea, Italy celebrate its freedom during carnival? By pummelling each other with 500,000 kilograms of oranges, of course.

At the Carnevale di Ivrea, oranges are the weapon of choice not with guns and swords. Every year, the tiny northern city of Ivrea in the Turin province stockpiles 500,000 kilograms of fresh oranges for Battaglia delle Arance (Battle of the Oranges), a re-creation of a historic fight between townsfolk and a ruling tyrant.


Unlike Spain's La Tomatina, the battle of the Oranges isn't a backpacker free-for-all. It's highly structured, steeped in history and contains some competitive elements. It's free and fun to watch for nearly 100,000 spectators, but for the competitive teams of almost 4000 its a serious business and the highlight of the year.

In my opinion, although the battle is more than a little messy and even violent on occasion, the townspeople of Ivrea consider it a birthright and an important part of their culture. They find the battle “liberating” and “joyous,”.  Looking around at today’s world, we couldn’t think of a more relevant theme.


Every summer, millions of visitors descend on Boryeong, South Korea. What’s the draw? The healing properties of the local mud and the festival that celebrates it. 
The idea for the festival began in 1998 as a promotion for the mineral-rich mud found near Boryeong. In the midst of Korea's quiet, peaceful and humid summer when the smell of a fresh breeze cheers everyone up, the thought of Boryeong comes into mind. Boryeong, commonly known as Daecheon, is a calm city in the South Chungcheong Province of South Korea. When the manufacturers of Boryeong Mud products determined the beneficial effects of their local mud, they invited visitors to slather themselves in the stuff. The event took on a life of its own rather quickly, attracting thousands of visitors to this otherwise sleepy town annually for the beach, the warm weather, and, of course, the mud.

In the end, the thing that sets Boryeong apart is the mud play. The most distinctive point of the Festival is to create a united place where people from all over the world come together, meet and interact with strangers and are able to break down walls of age, nationality, race and have fun together and leave with memories and new friends.

In my opinion, this festival will create memories especially for families. People that differs from all ages with have fun playing in the mud. Those looking for a more laid back experience for mud facials. It is a 2-in-1 festival that keeps our skin healthy and create some memories with our loved ones.


The bullet ant? Is it a normal ant? Nope it is an ant with 18–30 millimetres (0.7–1.2 inch) long and resemble stout, reddish-black, wingless wasps. It is called as bullet ant because of its powerful and potent sting due to its venom. It inhabits humid lowland rainforests from Nicaragua and the extreme east of Honduras south to Paraguay.

this is what it looks like.

Why I'm talking about this ant? Actually, today I would like to share an event or ritual that involves this kind of ant. 

The Sateré-Mawé (or Sateré-Maue) is an indigenous tribe located in the Brazilian Amazon. The Satere-Mawe people of Brazil use intentional bullet ant stings as part of their initiation rites to become a warrior.The ants are first rendered unconscious by submerging them in a natural sedative, and then hundreds of them are woven into a glove made of leaves (which resembles a large oven mitt), stingers facing inward. 

When the ants regain consciousness, a boy slips the glove onto his hand. The goal of this initiation rite is to keep the glove on for a full 10 minutes. When finished, the boy’s hand and part of his arm are temporarily paralyzed because of the ant venom, and he may shake uncontrollably for days. The only “protection” provided is a coating of charcoal on the hands, supposedly to confuse the ants and inhibit their stinging. 

To fully complete the initiation, however, the boys must go through the ordeal a total of 20 times over the course of several months or even years.

Here, we share a video at the event, a guy named Hamish experimenting himself by trying to put his hand into the glove and shared the pain to us. But he ended up heading for hospital after collapsing from the unrelenting agony.

This is what the glove looks like.

Here’s Hamish’s hands 24 hours after donning the gloves:

On my opinion, this kind of event is hilarious. It just makes you feel bad and pain. Although from their opinion, it will makes you a warrior, but for me there's many other thing you can do that are more wiser than this. Anyway, everyone has their own point of view. 

Thankyou for reading.

Saturday 3 October 2015


There's many argument stated that leaving a baby to cry can result in brain damage. 

Today, we would like to share an event that include babies in it. It is called as Konaki Sumo. It is held in Japan.  I'm sure some of you haven't heard it yet. At this traditional 'konaki' (crying) sumo festival pairs of babies under one year old are pitted against each other. 

It hurts everytime we saw babies cry right? But these Japanese sumo wrestlers believe the exact opposite: That a good long wail can be healthy for babies.

Mothers wait in line to enter their babies in the bizarre competition

So, this is how the festival works. Two sumo wrestlers complete in their wrestling attire hold a baby each in their hands and face each other. And they will wait. They wait for at least one of the babies to cry. There is a priest who usually tries to scare off the kids by waving and shouting. The wrestler holding the baby which cries first is deemed the loser. The wrestler with the most baby friendly hands and the non-fussiest baby has his hand held high in the end.  

This festival is popular actually the time for praying for a baby’s health. Based on a Japanese proverb “naku ko wa sodatsu, i.e. “Crying babies grow faster”, it is believed that the louder a baby cries, the more blessings God shall shower on him or her.  So, the Sumo Wrestler holding the loudest baby might be knocked out of the competition, but the baby is a winner all the way.

The festival is over 400 years old and takes place annually at a few of Japans most well-known temples. 

Thursday 10 September 2015


Hello .. today I want to ask you all, do you believe about the events that weird? today I want to tell you about some strange events in the world. In 1979, a couple of locals from the Tunarama Committee decided the festival needed something unique that identified with Port Lincoln’s already famous Tuna Fishing industry, in a way that could be enjoyed as a spectacle by anyone, entered by anyone fit enough to consider doing so, and that was a bit of fun. MANY willing participants came out to the Port Lincoln Foreshore for the heats of both the Westminster School King Fish Toss and the BankSA Tuna Toss.The top ten throws in each of the male and female categories earned a place in the final.

In Port Lincoln in the south of Australia .. a husband and wife have been successful in the coveted tuna toss finals at the annual Tunarama Festival. ... Here is a little information about them.
Matt Staunton and wife Shanell took out the 2015 event, returning the title to Australia after a Japanese visitor won the toss last year.Mr Staunton threw his tuna 24 metres to win the men's title while Ms Staunton won the women's title with an 11m toss.But this was not the first win for Mr Staunton, who has taken out the title on a number of occasions."I'm happy to have won it again this year," he said."[I'm] more happy that my wife managed to surprise the crowd and have a win as well."Ms Staunton said she was surprised and proud to have taken out the title.The Tunarama Festival is an annual event held in Port Lincoln over the Australia Day long weekend.It has been running since 1962 and celebrates the town's tuna fishing industry.The tuna toss is one of the main highlights of the weekend with heats taking place on the Saturday and finals completed on the Sunday.An 8 kilogram tuna from the southern ocean was used in this year's toss. A total of 10 men and 10 women battled it out in the final.Competitors from Canada, Paris, Prague, Japan and Solomon Islands took part in the event.

Wednesday 9 September 2015


Everyone may not believe what we all update.. This time we will upload about The Camel Wrestling Championship. Camel Wrestling is a sport in which two male camels wrestle, typically in response to a female camel in heat being led before them. It is most common in the region of Turkey, but is also practiced in other parts of the Middle East and South Asia. 
This is the way how the turkey decorate the camels before starting fights. 

The practice of using a nearby female for motivation is not used as frequently now due to the degree of violence it causes. It is difficult to convince male camels to fight without one nearby, so organizers have attempted to entangle two camels together or starve the camels to make them more aggressive. The camels fight by using their necks as leverage to force their opponent to fall down. A camel is declared the winner if his competitor falls to the ground or flees from the fight. Male camels begin fighting at age ten and some continue for over a decade. Camel owners often name their camels after politicians and world leaders. The camels are often draped in decorative rugs, carved saddles, and bells. The events are also accompanied by beauty contests between camels. Camel pageants are also popular in Saudi Arabia, where they often accompany Musicians often accompany the events playing flutes and drums. Camel meat is sometimes served to spectators, as well.As of 2011, there are an estimated 2,000 wrestling  camels in Turkey.  A successful camel can be sold for over $20,000.